
Your tutors manage what you study. The ACE team helps with how you study. From your first term to your final assignment, we offer free support to meet your academic needs.

We can provide guidance on:

  • your academic and digital development
  • navigating your virtual learning environments
  • accessing online resources
  • analysing data with Excel
  • computing skills
Book an appointment or workshop



Get support with your studies

Two people sitting at a table are looking at a phone screen smiling, both with long curly hair.

30-minute appointments one to one or in small groups

Three students are sharing a laptop and smiling at something they are looking at on the screen.

Online workshops
Free academic skills workshops every semester


Build your academic, computing and data analysis skills

Getting started
Become a confident university student. Includes tips about time management, writing and assignments, and online research.

More resources available on the ACE page in your Virtual Learning Environment

Plan and manage your assignments
Writing Assignments

How to write in an academic style and use sources in your writing.

Computing and Data Analysis

How to use Excel to analyse data, Python and Computational Thinking.